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God desires to have meaningful moments with you. But do you make time to stop, look, and listen?


God is speaking to His children all the time. If you make time for it, God will offer you Biblical wisdom and practical insight, providing clarity, focus, and purpose as He guides and directs your life. He will do this for you because . . .


His Word never returns void. - Isaiah 55:11

The unfolding of His Word imparts understanding. - Psalm 119:130

His Word is a lamp that guides your feet. - Psalm 119:105


May God, through His Word, daily illuminate your spiritual understanding and may His presence encourage and equip you as you navigate this life until your faith becomes sight.


Are you ready for your meaningful moments with God?



  • 365 inspiring daily devotionals based on God's Word, providing you meaningful moments with your Savior.
  • Daily "Pause to Ponder" section for you to practically apply God's truth.
  • Topical index for those days when you need encouragement in specific areas.

Truth Talk - Daily Devotional

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