Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. As so, it is supernaturally inspired and inerrant in its original writings. The sacred Scriptures have been preserved by God in its verbal and plenary inspiration and speak with divine authority over all time and all people.
We believe in the eternal triune nature of God, that He is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that they are one God. We believe that God is the creator, sustainer and ruler over all. It was God, in His sovereign love and will, that sent Jesus into the world to save sinners.
We believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, that He took on flesh and lived among us. Jesus was born of a virgin and remained sinless throughout His life. He was crucified on a cross, died to pay sin’s ransom for us, was buried, but rose again on the third day and triumphed over sin and death. We believe He ascended into Heaven and sits at God’s right-hand interceding for believers and is the Head of the Church. We believe that He will come again to earth to set up His millennial kingdom.
We believe that through the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, that a perfect and blameless sacrifice was made to completely atone and redeem us from the curse of the law. We believe that salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and we are saved for good works, not because of good works. God, through His Son Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of His Spirit, enable us to live lives of obedience to our Lord.
We believe that a true believer is eternally secure, through Christ's death and resurrection, and that salvation cannot be lost. While there is still sin in the believer's life, which interrupts our fellowship with God and will bring about His loving discipline, it does not remove from us what He has secured for each believer. We believe that when Christ returns to make all things new, our bodies will be made in the likeness of His and we will forever dwell in the presence of our God and Savior.
We believe that the Christian life should be characterized by obedience. It is possible to live lives of obedience to Christ because He has given us His indwelling Spirit and the Word of God to guide us. We believe that every believer should be an active participant in a local church since this is what God has given us for spiritual development and community outreach.