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Writer's pictureJamie Adele Wood

A Divine Treasure Map: Relationship with God

Did you ever dream of finding a treasure map as a kid? You know, the kind of antiquated map made of weathered and crinkled parchment paper, with a bold red “X” marking the spot of untold riches? In your quest for this treasure, you imagined facing treacherous pirates and magical creatures from the deep, yet you pressed on, driven by the promise of a life-changing reward. This is the stuff of childhood dreams.

But did you know that God's Word, the Bible, is like a treasure map? Each time you open the Bible, it takes you on a life-changing adventure, revealing who you were, who you are now, and who you are becoming in Christ. Every chapter uncovers hidden treasures about God's character and His abundant love for you.

If you follow this divine map, it will guide you in the right direction, helping you avoid traps and pitfalls. It shapes how you view people, money, and work, ensuring they don't take you off course. And oh, does it ever teach you about the wonders of heaven! The ultimate treasure? Seeing God face-to-face, as we were meant to, before sin entered the world and changed everything.

But like any long journey, your quest to know God and be known by Him can sometimes feel monotonous. We all experience dry spells—times when opening the Bible feels more like an obligation than a joy. In these moments, is there a "magic formula" to reignite your desire for God’s Word?

While there’s no magic formula, I encourage you to try a quick three-minute activity that may help reignite your heart. Grab a pen and paper or open a note on your phone—ready?

  1. Minute 1: List as many reasons as you can for why you spend time with God. For example: Spending time with God gives me strength to face the day, or Time with God helps reframe my problems and circumstances.

  2. Minute 2: Focus on the who. Write down attributes of God that you love and appreciate, and why they are meaningful to you. For example: I love that God is sovereign because it reminds me He is greater than any problem I face.

  3. Minute 3: List how you spend time with God. Write down the various ways you’ve connected with God throughout your journey. For example: Daily devotionals, Bible study, prayer walks, listening to worship music, or attending church.

This simple exercise works like a spiritual defibrillator, helping to jumpstart your heartbeat for God. Because here’s the truth: if you’re not mindful of why you spend time with God, the who you're spending time with, there’s little joy in the how. And who wants to do something day after day that doesn’t bring life and joy?

God is Not Boring

Did you know that God isn’t boring? Perhaps you grew up with a version of God that felt sanitized of joy, humor, and intimacy. Maybe your relationship with Him has always been about rules and traditions. While rules and traditions have their place, consider this: Who do you think created joy, humor, and intimacy?

It’s the same God you spend time with as you open His Word and meet with Him in prayer.

God, who made the apple and the atom, the hummingbird and the hurricane, the rainbow and the Rocky Mountains, is anything but boring. He is creative, scientific, sensory, vast, and varied. Each time you open the Bible—your divine treasure map—you embark on a personal adventure that brings life to your soul.

How to Keep Your Relationship with God Fresh

If you’ve found yourself in a rut, it’s okay to switch things up in your relationship with God! Try something new that engages who God created you to be:

  • Love painting? Put on worship music and paint what the Spirit brings to mind.

  • Coffee lover? Take your Bible or prayer journal to a cozy coffee shop and enjoy your time with God over a warm cup.

  • Prefer being outdoors? Talk to God while hiking or walking in nature.

  • Parenting young children? Put on a Bible story show for them and read a short devotional on the couch.

Eliminate excuses for not investing in time with God, and find new ways to connect with Him that bring you joy. For example, as I write this, I’m sitting by the beach with a warm cup of coffee. The sounds of the ocean, the taste of my chai latte, and the soft blues of the waves tenderize my soul to better hear God’s voice.

As Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Happy treasure hunting!

A Divine Treasure Map | Relationship with God
A Divine Treasure Map

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